Recently I had the opportunity to meet and photograph Bikram Choudhury at his speaking engagement in Boston. Bikram is the innovator of “hot yoga” or Bikram yoga. Afterwards I headed over to the Millennium Bostonian Hotel with Peggy Rose. Bikram toured the hotel’s kitchen with executive chef, Brian Flagg of the hotel’s restaurant, North 26. Bikram and his guests had dinner there. I was lucky to sample a few things on the menu, and the food was wonderful. Additionally, one of my pictures made it to the Boston Herald’s Inside Track. You can see it here.dsc_92912

2 Responses to “It’s getting hot in here….”

  1. Bogart says:

    Hot Yoga sounds absolutely terrible…I mean, yoga is hard enough, but then to turn up the temp and dehydrate yourself while trying to do the downward dog lotus? Whew…that guy is a stud.

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