Photo Booth?

January 7, 2011

A few people have asked me “what is a “photo booth”?”  Here’s what it means to me, and how it evolved for me!  A couple of months ago, Cindy called me to see if I could provide her with a “photo booth” for her wedding.  She had already booked me as her wedding photographer last spring.   I wasn’t quite sure what a “photo booth” would entail but told her I would look into it.  Basically she wanted her wedding guests to be able get candid photos of themselves. I have done many formal “photo line” events, however never one where the guests have control of the shutter.  This time things were kicked up to an entirely new level! I never like to do anything “half way”,  so I made a list of things I would need to make this work and agreed to do it.   I must confess that my bedroom turned into a “quasi” studio for a couple of weeks, as I set everything up and practiced.  However, it went off without a hitch thanks to my assistants — my sister and husband!  We are now ready to take this show on the road again!  The “photo booth”  in no way replaces regular photography event or wedding coverage, but it is a wonderful addition to any event!

We would be happy to take our “photo booth” to your next wedding or event.  It was so much fun and the possibilities are endless.  Contact for more details

I have posted a few images from Cindy and Jeff’s photo booth and  here is a  link to the entire gallery.  Guests can purchase any of the gallery images directly from this link.  They are silly images that capture the fun mood of the night.

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