Posts Tagged ‘newborn photography’

Meet Nolan…..

August 9, 2010

What a handsome little baby he is! I was fortunate to be able to meet him and his family the other day. This little guy perfomed so well in front of my camera, and we had so much fun. This session was another example of why I just love my job — it is so much fun to be working (if you can even call it that) and meet such nice people! I am grateful to love what I do and for all the wonderful people I meet along the way. Here are some highlights from my time with Nolan — trust me there are many more!

Thank heaven….

August 9, 2010

for little boys! Oh I couldn’t agree more. Here’s one of my favorite shots from this little guy’s session. I have a bunch to show later but couldn’t resist posting this one now.

so much fun!!!

July 23, 2010

I had so much fun meeting up with an old friend highschool (and college) friend and her too little munchkins yesterday. These kiddos had tons of energy, but I think they had fun too! It was a gorgeous day and we picked a wonderful place. We ended it at the carousel, which was a hit. Hopefully the carousel man finally showed up, but to my delite he wasn’t there yet and I was able to get some great shots without it actually moving! lol Here’s a glimpse to the shoot. There’s much more to but this is a good start. Seriously, they were like models — so adorable!

I had a wonderful shoot this morning and couldn’t wait to post a something quick — there’s lots more to follow! :-) They are super cute!

I almost forgot….

July 18, 2010

to post this wonderful session to my blog! I was in such a rush before vacation that a few sessions have still not made it to my blog. Nonetheless this session turned out awesome, as these two brothers rocked it! They were so photogenic, despite the heat. The location, provided some good shade and also good light for a late morning shoot (which would not have worked out just anywhere). Here’s a glimpse of the session….

so sweet….

July 13, 2010

Once again, I am way behind in blogging my photo sessions! I thought I would start with this adorable little one year-old. Isn’t she sweet? These were taken at her sister’s first communion a month or so ago — I just couldn’t resist capturing her with all of her adorable hats. She was not shy at all and I loved that! Of course I am partical to red heads, seeing that my first born son is a red head (and to this day I wonder where the red hair came from, but I LOVE it!)

So handsome….

June 2, 2010

I cannot resist a newborn or baby shoot – I have so much fun photographing babies. Today was another example. This little guy is a handsome dude! He completely rocked this session, and he was full of smiles. He was mesmorized by the click of my camera’s shutter. He also loved his “nap-time nanny” which was his little cushioned seat which arrived in the mail today – it was a perfect prop for the session. It’s getting late, but I wanted to display a quick sneak peek to the session. Here goes….

Just perfect…..

May 31, 2010

A few weeks ago, I was able to meet this pefect little guy — he was only one week old! I had a great visit with him and his mom and dad. They are great people, and I am so happy for them. Hopefully he will be sleeping through the night in no time. Congratulations on your bundle of joy — I am glad I was able to document his first week!

So Sweet….

April 5, 2010

I may have said this before, but I just LOVE doing newborn shoots!!! It was such a breath of fresh air to be able to photograph this new baby and her big sister the other day, and it was a great way to enjoy a gorgeous spring day. What a sweet little baby she was (and her sister was a quite cute too!) This little babe was so cooperative, in fact I think she was mesmorized by the “click” of my camera. She let me take so many pictures without even making a peep. Here’s a few from this session but there are so many more!

I was so happy to see a little bit of sun this morning. In fact when the light gleamed through the shades, I jumped out of bed! Well the sun was short lived! It was already snowing out while I was on my way to my morning photo shoot. However, I got a bit of sunshine, nonetheless. It was in the shape of two precious infant twins and their adorable big sister! It might have been snowing and raining outside but there really was a bit of sunshine in the house. There is something so awesome about being able to photograph children – I just love it. Today was no exception. I had so much fun with these babies, and they were so good. I took everything about this session in -the baby sounds, smells, and all around cuteness. It was a pleasure to visit and meet these children. They surely made these images great. They are precious! Here’s a sneak peak to their session….022610_5399